Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Weight loss tricks

I am always looking for ways to loose weight, so I found this article online that relays information for tips with helping loose weight: USA Today

Here are my top 5 favorite tips to remember when looking to loose weight:

1. Set a realistic weight-loss goal
2. Motivate Yourself
3. Get help from family and friends
4. Pay attention to portions
5. Cut down liquid calories

Growing up I have never been "overweight" but coming to college I have noticed the  pounds could be coming if I don't have those sports to keep me active every day like I did in high school. Don't necessarily count calories, because then you could become anal about food and always worry how fat you are going to get by not always burning off those calories. Instead, focus on exercising more and eating foods such as fruits and vegetables daily.  Starting off with this method will begin your path of a healthier lifestyle.

The major problem most teens are facing is that they are drinking beverages with high calorie content.  A soda every day may not seem like much, but after taking in all that sugar and carbs everyday it will add up fast if eaten at every meal.  I have never been much of a soda drinker and my mom mentioned this has helped me stay in shape more so.  If you remember to always stay hydrated and drink water before meals, it can help you eat less but your body will still be energized without all the extra sugar added.

Take a look at the link I posted with other tips to help maintain weight loss.

Hope you all are staying healthy :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Act quick when becoming sick!

After a month in to school it's the time of year when we students start to become sick.  We have to make sure we are taking care of our body's immune system. I recently just came down with a sore throat, lost my voice and have a temperature.  Thank goodness I live with 30 girls who are here to take care of me. One thing I found to help a sore throat is to drink warm tea. If you are coming down with a fever (which I also found out I have) take some cool rags and lay them on your forehead. Works every time! The best thing you can do if you are feeling under the weather is to just simply sleep. College kids aren't getting enough sleep as it is, but catching up on sleep makes the body recharge and back to conquering the day.  Always be drinking fluids they help tremendously! I hope none of you have become sick as I have, but if you do, take these tips and get your body back to normal!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Truth About Carbs

What is a carb???
Carbs are a category of molecules in grains, produce, dairy, and sweets that occur in three forms:

Sugar: Glucose, Fructose, and Lactose. It appears where we least expect it. It tastes good, and the more sugar there is in a food, the more we love to eat it.The average American consumes 43,800 calories from added sugar per year.

Fiber: These help us feel full and can not be digested. To stay healthy, consume about 25 grams a day.

Starches: A white, odorless and tasteless substance found in some foods and used as a thickener or stabilizer.

Tip: Avoid refined carbs, stick to whole grains :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Managing Stress

Hello everyone! First of all let me say this has been a very stressful week for me. I have had sorority recruitment which has been every day, every night and basically taking over my life. Well, here I am again and this week I thought it would be appropriate to post about how to manage stress.

The number one way I help myself become less stressed in the heat of the moment is to just close my eyes and take deep breaths.  Breathe in, count to 5, and then release.  Another thing I have been doing that has kept my stress under control is to remember to always have a positive attitude.  No matter how many things I have to do, or how hard a class may be, I remember to stay positive.

This year I decided I would keep a planner to help keep myself more organized.  This has helped me tremendously with remembering what homework I have and not worrying about forgetting about an assignment.  Stress can also come from not getting enough sleep so I make sure every night I get at least 8 hours of sleep or else I will become angry and not be pleasant to be around.

If you are just having a bad day and are overwhelmed, a good idea to relieve that stress would be to go for a walk or jog around your neighborhood.  I personally love to end the day with a nice relaxing walk around campus.

-Elizabeth Burgett

Thursday, September 6, 2012


To stay healthy, the first step is to make sure you are exercising at least three times a week.  At Washburn, the Student Recreation and Wellness Center is available for all students and free admission with a Washburn ID. The hours vary, so here is the link to keep you informed.

The basic things to work on are Cardio, Strength, and Flexibility.
Some ideas for a workout on each:
Cardio - Elliptical, Treadmill, Basketball courts, Stepping Ladder, Jumping jacks, Track
Strength - Triceps, Biceps, Abs
Flexibility - Always stretch after you work out or else your muscles will be tense and could end up becoming pulled.

Spend at least 20 minutes on Cardio and Strength and remember to stretch after each time you workout.

I hope these ideas can help get you get started as you begin to workout.